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Musical Beginnings Preschool Summer Camps

At Dunwoody United Methodist Church
with Nicole Norgaard & Sarah Seelke
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Week 1: June 12th - 15th: My Neighborhood Animal Friends

Week 2: July 10th - 13th: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Preschool ages 3 to 6 years old

(all campers must be potty trained)

9:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Monday-Thursday

Each camp is different so come to one or both!

Bring a  snack, lunch and a water bottle each day.

Total cost: $160


Week 1: My Neighborhood Animal Friends

Campers will explore the many sounds and movements of animals in their own backyard. They will learn about owls, rabbits, robins and butterflies through stories and songs. Each day the campers will sing, move, and make a simple nature craft.

Week 2: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Come on a fun summer adventure as we explore our favorite ways to travel. We will visit all our favorite summer places and campers will experience lots of pretend play as we travel from place to place. Each day campers will sing, dance, play instruments and make a simple craft.

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Two fun weeks of singing, playing instruments, creative movement, art, games, stories, snacks and pretend play.  Each Preschool camp focuses on a different them and is designed especially for our youngest songbirds. 

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